Friday, October 30, 2009

Notes of Race to the Top Program

Part of American Recovery/Reinvestment Act of 2009 (referred to as the State Incentive Grant Fund).
$4.3 Billion for competitive grants to states
4 "Assurance" areas:
-Implementing standards/assessments
-Improving teacher effectiveness and achieving equity in teacher distribution
-Improving collection of and use of data
-Supporting struggling schools
50% of funding must go to LEAs
-Absolute Priority-comprehensive approach to the 4 areas aforementioned
-Proposed Priority-emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
-Invitational Priority-expansion and adaptation of statewide longitudinal data systems
-Invitational Priority-coordination and vertical alignment
-Invitational Priority-school level conditions for reform and innovation
There cannot be barriers linking student achievement to teacher effectiveness
Provide alternative certification path (including "Significantly limit the amount of coursework required or have options to test-out courses;)
Compensating and promoting (809)
Effective teacher-means a teacher whose students achieve acceptable rates (say at least one grade level growth in one academic year) of student growth

Find America COMPETES Act

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