Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spanish Textbook Moment in 3-D-Capítulo 2

Cultural Note

In Ecuador, as in many South American countries, there are a few different ways to ride buses. First, you can meet the bus before departure at the terminal terrestre, or bus station. Keep in mind, not all towns have a designated bus station. For smaller towns, you can catch the bus along the route between two bigger towns. Passengers board the bus, have a seat, and a few minutes later someone will come by to collect fare. Of course, the fares are different depending on the specific route you’re taking. Many people aren’t headed to the terminal terrestre in the final destination, but rather have a place to go that is one the way.


Humberto jumped on a bus between Ambato and Baños. The ride from Ambato to Baños is about two and a half hours long and costs 85 cents. Humberto rode the bus from Pelileo to Baños, a ride which lasted about an hour. Upon arrival in Baños, the bus assistant, Jiovani, asks Humberto for 75 cents for the ride from Pelileo. Humberto is furious. He thinks he should only pay 40 cents, but Jiovani is unwavering.

Your assignment

Break off into groups of two. One person act as Humberto. Explain why you should only have to pay 40 cents for the ride from Pelileo to Baños. The other person should act as Jiovani. Explain that, because the bus has arrived in Baños, Humberto has to pay whatever you say. Each person should use the informal, singular, command form from earlier in the chapter. Present your dialogue to the class.

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