Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Simon Bolivar Provides the Ending to Any Personal Journal

Here's a quote from Simon Bolivar's The Jamaican Letter-Response from a South American to a Gentleman From This Island.

It was written in 1815.

This is the end of the letter, and a paragraph that I will include in any journal I write in. Forever.

"Tales son, señor, las observaciones y pensamientos que tengo el honor de someter a Vd. para que los rectifique o deseche, según su mérito, suplicándole se persuada que me he atrevido a exponerlos, más por no ser descortés, que porque me crea capaz de ilustrar a Vd. en la materia."

"Such, sir, are the observations and thoughts that I am honored to submit for your consideration and which you may correct or reject according to their merit. I implore you to understand that I have expressed myself forthrightly, not to be discourteous but because I believe I am in a position to inform you on these matters."

'These matters,' naturally, being my personal thoughts and feelings. I really like that.

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